I'm sitting at home drinking a beer about to fire up a NL cash session to kill time. I have to be at the airport around 4am so there's no point trying to sleep. I fly from here to Toronto then down to Nassau after a 2 hour wait in TO. Get in around 1:15, about the same time as the two yahoos I've picked up as roommates (Aaron and Mike). From there it's a cab ride to the resort and the week in Paradise begins. PokerStars is throwing a cocktail party for the players at 7pm. Since I dont play until Day 1B (Saturday, Jan 6) I'm free to indulge in a few too many of said cocktails. Can't wait!!
GL Mike... we're all pulling for ya back here in the K-Dub....
Go getem Mike.
Psst...Bestest friend...What have you been doing?! I need some updates so I can vacation vicariously through you!